Saturday, June 11, 2005
Paradise Lounge
1501 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA 94103
What does go on in that delightfully off base, non-conformist, shiny color sporting, mind adventuring, dance your ass shakin psyche of yours? What delightful elements of consciousness make you the benign freak that you are? Let’s go in together, on a Magic Bus inside the psyche of a Freak to find out.
This Saturday, June 11th, the Opulent Temple swings open the gates of the inner world, in dance, in fun, in full bad ass fist shaking, floor pounding big beats.
Explorations of sound will be greet you from our special guest from New York, and OT camp member from last year, the larger than life character that is
The Scumfrog (www.thescumfrog.com/live) His sets blur the lines of big party house, ballsy tribal, and funky progressive, all augmented by his own live percussion and sometimes vocals, for a truly interactive and unique sound experience that is universally known for rocking dance floors the world over.
+ an innner visual journey by On the Fly Films and special decor by the Opulent Temple goddesses.
Pre-sales only $10 ! Available HERE! -OR- @ BPM Records, corner of Hayes and Fillmore!!! -OR- $15 before midnight in playa digs.
The Opulent Temple is a Burning Man camp in it’s 3rd year on the playa bringing sacred dance to world class music and opulent chilling. We want to go big this year from you at BM, but this can only happen with your continued generous support. For that, we are blessed, and you have made an investment in your future fun!
Yes yes. : )
Main Room:
The Scumfrog (www.thescumfrog.com/live)
Jonathan Ojeda
Jeffrey Allen
Billy Cassaza (formerly Farmboy)
Jonathan Ojeda
Kevin Knapp
Adam Ohana (Get Freaky)
Smoove (Space Cowboys)
Neptune (Beat Church / El Circo)
Ben Chun (False Profit)
Dov (Muti Music)