Wednesday, December 31, 2014
8:00PM – 4:00AM
The Armory SF
1800 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Vau de Vire, Opel Productions & Kink.com presents: NEW BOHEMIA NYE 2015
The Vision: The next evolution in co-creating a world like no other! In association with Opulent Temple, Distrikt, Dusty Rhino & more
New Bohemia is not just the 2nd Annual NYE’s event at the iconic Armory, it’s also a special and co-created place. A world like no other. Part the velvet red curtains to find an SF twist on those timeless bohemian values of Truth, Beauty, Love and Freedom. Further into the castle find cutting edge sounds, SF’s most dynamic creative communities, and the synergy of intentional revelry on the precipice of a new year. Poets and performers, aerialists and DJ’s, burlesque dancers and live painters, acrobats and absinthe hawkers, Art Cars and visual treats, crimson busts and decadent costumes; are all to be found in different markets, plazas, private upstairs chambers and titillating dark corners and streets inside New Bohemia NYE. We intentionally did not go for the ‘mega headliners’, because we’re much more interested in creating a community based spectacle of art and talents amongst the amazing people of the SF artistic underground. And – we wanted to keep the ticket prices accessible for a party this big and offering so much on NYE. The curtain is raising again on the show worth getting excited about New Years Eve. Let’s ring it in together.
Dress code? Not really, but sky is the limit on your creativity! The playa meets Moulin Rouge is our costume suggestion
YEP- we know the line sucked last year. This will be remedied. Still – help us help you by arriving early. We’re opening at 8:00 instead of 9:00 to hopefully reduce the crush.
LOTS of volunteer opportunities, write us
Questions? – info@newbohemianye.com
Twitter: @newbohemianye.com
Elite Force aka Simon Shackleton (Stereo Phoenix, UK)
The Scumfrog (thescumfrog.com / Knee Deep in Sound)
Lee Coombs (Thrust Recordings / Lot 49, UK)
Unified Midnight Countdown Performance by Vau de Vire Society & Sambadrop (facebook.com/Sambadrop)
Stages, Worlds, Corners and Playgrounds by:
Lee Coombs (Thrust Recordings / Lot 49, UK)
Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple)
DJ ICON (Opulent Temple/ djicon.com)
Kimba (Opel / Delta 9)
Clarkie (Dusty Rhino)
Brian Williams (Opulent Temple)
Grammar (Opulent Temple)
Performances & spectacle throughout the night. Special midnight countdown show under the canopy.
Elite Force aka Simon Shackleton (Stereo Phoenix, UK)
Ben Seagren
Darren Grayson
Matt Kramer
Paul Geddes
Special VIP Lounge on the intriguing 4th Floor of the Armory Hosted by Kink.com
With Deep, Smooth, Sexy & Playful Music by:
The Scumfrog (thescumfrog.com / Knee Deep in Sound)
Dulce Vita (Opulent Temple)
Drew Drop (Opulent Temple)
Mystr Hatcher (Dusty Rhino)
Mo Corleone (Want It!, Ambient Mafia)
& more tba
Watch for exclusive performances, cast and model appearances and live bondage demos on the 4th Floor. (See ticket page for VIP details)
A new deep & dark dance area in the Armory basement in the ‘Roman Baths’
The Scumfrog (thescumfrog.com / Knee Deep in Sound)
ELiKi (Opulent Temple)
MetaTek (Opulent Temple)
Clarkie (Dusty Rhino)
NUGZ (Dusty Rhino)
& more tba
Lounge Zones Throughout New Bohemia
SF’s finest collectives and most talented artists coming soon.
And more:
- Cabana Row: A New private raised platform areas alongside each main stage in the Drill Court with couches, seating, tables and optional bottle service available.
- Private studio rooms for rent. Contact us for details
- Trashkan Marching band
- Jazz Mafia soloists
- Live Painting
- Big f’ing lazers
- Vending Areas from local designers
- 3D mapped visuals by Biolumence (OcuCult)
- Opus Sound
- Food Vendors
- Spontaneous participant moments of artistic brilliance
- Slightly dangerous and subversive forms of creativity