Friday, March 6, 2009
9:00PM – 4:00AM
Treasure Island
200 California Ave San Francisco, CA 94130
5 Areas of Music!
Tickets WILL definitely be available at the door until we reach capacity, so early arrival is recommended (like by 12M).
This is an exciting time, as the community is so clearly stepping up on this one. We have actually sold out of discounted pre-sale tix. They’ve bumped up to the door price ($40, but we’ll cover your service charge so it’s the same as if you paid at the door). Pre-sale guarantees entrance anytime of the night. (but that doesn’t mean you won’t wait a minute…)
**We know in hard times $30-$40 is a lot to pay for a party. We ask you to take a look at all this event has to offer. It’s a lot, and you’ll feel it when you are there. We are going all out on the production and pulling out all the stops the space will allow. Trust us. We’ve come this far together. We have farther to go. **
This is a 100% benefit for the Opulent Temple aspirations for ’09. If this party does well, we’ll be there. If it does not, then we won’t. It’s really that simple. We hope you can make it.
The Opulent Temple has rocked you and soothed you for going on 7 years now. Big, beautiful & infectious beats, wicked sound, world class talent and warm faces bathed in fire light. We’d like to be able to do it again, (and so does Carl).
Were you there Friday night when he played this past summer at OT? WOW. One of, if not the greatest night we’ve ever had the pleasure to host. Legendary..
Please join us & Carl Cox for this special event featuring the OT’s distinct production closer to home than ever before, in collaboration with the Flaming Lotus Girls, The Deep End, Pete Hudson, Hookahdome, Stop Time 341, UV 99 & variety of artists, performers, Art Cars and spontaneous wonderment.
For example…
A Rare and Special showing of the Serpent Mother, by the Flaming Lotus Girls AND Homourborous in full effect, by Pete Hudson See it HERE
+ much, much more mind blowing art of ALL shades
Volunteers & artistic contributions needed! If interested, write: Piper Hook : <piperhook@gmail.com>
Carl on Burning Man & the Opulent Temple:
“This isn’t a festival, it’s a gathering of people who’re here to find out about themselves, be who they want to be and feel completely free,” says Carl. “I’ve never experienced anything like it. The amount of creativity and spirit is just unusual and there’s a real sense of community amongst people who don’t even know each other.
“The Opulent Temple guys are a great bunch of people and the way they create the Opulent Temple is amazing. I want to do whatever I can to help them. Music is art and it’s important that is recognized.”
**Main Temple**
Carl Cox (carlcox.com, UK)
Mark Lewis (Mixology, L.A.)
Syd Gris (Opulent Temple)
Dutch (Opuelent Temple)
Alain Octavo (alainoctavo.com / Spundae)
Rooz (djrooz.com)
**Opulent Temple**
Vinkalmann (Opulent Temple)
Cosmic Selector (Opulent Temple)
Dex Stakker (Opulent Temple / Opel / Pronoia)
Dulce Vita (Opulent Temple / Nutbass)
Jeff Taisch (Opulent Temple)
Atimatik (Opulent Temple / Disfunktion)
Elevate 7 (L.A.)
**In The Deep End**
Clarkie (Deep End / In Deep)
Kramer (Deep End / djkramer.com)
Layne Loomis (Deep End)
Ben Seagren (Deep End / Sense SF)
Zach Moore (Deep End)
Floorcraft (Freeform)
**Inside Homourborous**
Mephisto Odyssey (Groovequest /N-Mity Sounds)
Smoove (djsmoove.net)
Aaron Jae (Space Cowboys / Evil Breaks)
Influence (Strategik)
Liam Shy (Tantra)
Mace vs. Joe Joe (Brass Tax)
Jonboy (Dubalicious)
**The Hookahdome**
Jef Stott (Six Degrees)
Janaka Selekta (Worldly)
Funkminsta Fulla (MoPimp Records)
Radiohiro (radiohiro.com / Chicago)
DJ AMAR + B-Hop (Electric Vardo)
Belly Dancing by Allura & Fat Chance Belly Dance
Visuals by StopTime 341 (www.stoptime341.com)
Lasers by Skippy, Micro & UV99 (www.uv99.com)
Black Light Art by www.debitonge.zenfolio.com
Art Cars, Creative Nooks, Ambient Entertainment, Spontaneous Performance,
Colorful Characters, conscious trouble
Fully permitted indoor venue, bars are cash only, so plan accordingly.
There will be an ATM & FREE coat check on site.
Outside smoking area.
There will be plenty of porta potties.
There will be places to sit.
There will be plenty of trash cans.
Event Transportation Plan:
The transportation plan for the event is quite comprehensive and consists of a mixture of provided shuttle transportation, use of public transit and taxi services, and available parking at the event location. Details below.
FREE Provided Shuttle Transportation:
Opulent Temple has contracted with First Student and Das Frachtut LLC to provide shuttle buses from Oakland and San Francisco, respectively to Treasure Island between the hours of 9:30 pm and 4:30 am. These buses will run in 40 minute intervals, and are each capable of carrying up to 40 people.
Pickup points have been designated ::
** SAN FRANCISCO : Corner of Grove & Larkin on Civic Center Plaza (@ Civic Center BART).
**EAST BAY: front of the Lakeshore Library, Lakeshore/Grand Ave freeway overpass. Lakeview Branch Library -550 El Embarcadero, Oakland, CA -across from Gold’s Gym
Public Transit/Taxi Services:
The location is conveniently located adjacent to the 108 MUNI bus line, which runs every 45 minutes, 24 hours per day, and goes directly to the Transbay Terminal in San Francisco. In addition to this, we are designating the shuttle service pickup locations as taxi cab pickup stops, and have alerted local taxi cab companies of this plan.
Available Event Parking:
The Treasure Island event facility has ample parking capacity for over 500 vehicles. This area will be supervised by an organized team of event volunteers and security staff throughout the evening. As well, we are actively encouraging our event attendants to carpool to the event. Spots are first come first parked, early arrival recommended if you need to drive. Please don’t drive alone!
DIRECTIONS: DRIVE CAREFUL! Both exits onto TI are a little perilous and should be taken slow. Either direction from the bridge onto Treasure Island – head to the north side of the Island (the “Treasure” not “Yerba Buena” Island) – There’s one road of entry that winds around and lands down at a previously manned security gate with stop sign. Head through the gate and take the first right hand turn onto California Ave. Take the first right again, you’ll see the parking lot entrance on your immediate left. Enter and follow parking helper prompts.