Saturday, August 20, 2005
10:00PM – Late
Infinite Kaos
136 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
There is a last minute mini-fundraiser being planned for August 20th @ the IK space, with DJ’s from the Opulent Temple and Infinite Kaos.
Heya Friends
This Saturday the Opulent Temple is throwing down one more amazing event before the playa! This will be a great opportunity to pick up some last minute playa gear, clothes, hoops, toys and what not…while getting your dance on, hanging out with amazing folks AND supporting the incredible WALL OF STRING ART! We will be hosting the art of Andres Amador, with a vision of epic proportions. Come check out a sample of this beautiful piece that will be on the playa!
7pm-10pm: Reception / Viewing / Demonstration, chit chat. There will be vending available by playa fashion designers for last minute costume purchases and accentuations, as well as jewelry, photography, lights and goodies.
Kick up the beats, and the dance!
$5-$10 dollar donation.
Syd Gris
Nathan Vain
Lil Bear
Eric Sharp
Hoop performances
Belly dancing
Spinsters throughout the night
Nice chill room set up
Partner stretching with Jamie Luv and Andres….and what ever yummyness you bring to the mix!