Saturday, June 25, 2011
9:00PM – 4:00AM
Hangar 3 – Treasure Island
600 California Ave, San Francisco CA 94130
Please join us this summer at a next level event. Opulent Temple, along with Distrikt, Symbiosis, Paradise Motel and more to come, host an eclectic spectacle to support a number of camps, artists, art cars, and performers to co-create an unforgettable night, and take a step towards the desert in 2011. We’re bringing together the far edges of the underground in a concert level production. Boom, Womp, Sizzle and Shake.
We brought together some of the brightest stars in their music world, with DJ Dan bringing the house, Christopher Lawrence trance, and Elite Force the breaks and tech funk. We’re going all out, we so hope to see you there co-creating that special vibe that is Opulent Temple.
If you joined us on Treasure Island in 2009 with Carl Cox, the Serpent Mother, Homoborous, and a bouquet of beautiful people, you have an idea. We’ve been waiting for the right elements to align to do it right, so here we go…
Yes !
-plenty of bathrooms
-plenty of bars
-coat check
-playa friendly vendors
-free shuttle from San Francisco, deets tba
-on site event parking – please carpool!
-places to sit
-outdoor area
-Pride friendly vibes
-Hi Rock Security
Event Transportation Plan:
FREE Provided Shuttle Transportation:
Opulent Temple has contracted to provide free shuttle buses from San Francisco to Treasure Island between the hours of 9:30 pm and 4:30 am. These buses will run in 40 minute intervals, and are each capable of carrying up to 40 people.
Pickup points have been designated ::
Due to street closures we are moving the Free Shuttle Pick up location to the bus stop on 8th Street at Market. First shuttle will arrive at 8:30 PM and will leave as soon as the bus is full. We have 2 buses running in rotation so the wait shouldn’t be too long but if you find yourself waiting for the shuttle longer than you want to be, we suggest sharing a cab with other party people in the same boat as you.
Shuttles will be running throughout the night until 4:30 AM to take you back into the city.
Public transit (MUNI Bus 108) and Car pooling are other great ways to get the the party.
** SAN FRANCISCO : bus stop on 8th Street at Market If you find yourself waiting for the shuttle longer than you want to be, we suggest sharing a cab with other party people in the same boat as you.
Public Transit/Taxi Services:
The location is conveniently located adjacent to the 108 MUNI bus line, which runs every 45 minutes, 24 hours per day, and goes directly to the Transbay Terminal in San Francisco. In addition to this, we are designating the shuttle service pickup locations as taxi cab pickup stops, and have alerted local taxi cab companies of this plan.
Available Event Parking:
The Treasure Island event facility has ample parking capacity for over 600 vehicles. This area will be supervised by an organized team of event volunteers and security staff throughout the evening. As well, we are actively encouraging our event attendants to carpool to the event. Spots are first come first parked, early arrival recommended if you need to drive. Please don’t drive alone!
DIRECTIONS: DRIVE CAREFUL! Both exits onto TI are a little perilous and should be taken slow. Either direction from the bridge onto Treasure Island – head to the north side of the Island (the “Treasure” not “Yerba Buena” Island) – There’s one road of entry that winds around and lands down at a previously manned security gate with stop sign. Head through the gate and take the first right hand turn onto California Ave. Follow it down and you’ll see our parking attendants there to help you get set. Don’t forget your ID.
Much more coming, stay tuned !