Saturday, July 9, 2016
10:00PM – 5:00AM
Fusion Factor
3563 Walnut Street, Denver, CO 80205
Finally – Opulent Temple comes to Denver! We are bringing our signature event with it’s special vibe and elevated intentions to Denver at The Fusion Factory to bring our brand of Opulence with your brand of fun. A 100% benefit for our 2016 opulent sound camp on the playa.
Since our first Opulent Temple camp at Burning Man in 2003, every Wednesday we’ve done this Sacred Dance event where we most try and manifest our vision – to create a space for Sacred Dance to world class dance music. We’ve taken it off playa in San Francisco, LA, Seattle and now Denver. Creatively fabulous white attire requested.
The vibe will be electric. Bathed in light, dancing to connect and awaken. Come show us how you do it Denver!
Come early, stay late!
Check out a video from our recent SF event
SYD GRIS (Opulent Temple, SF)
facebook.com/sydgris / soundcloud.com/syd-gris
BRIAN PEEK (Opulent Temple, SF)
facebook.com/peekbrian / soundcloud.com/brianpeek
DREW DROP (Opulent Temple, SF)
With Colorado DJs
SERAIAH (Love House)
FUNERAL DJ’s (DOTA Recordings)
SCHMID-E (Wacky Shack, Globus)
Brandi Johnston (FFC / Wingnuts)
Cliff Pfeifer (Wingnuts)
Jesse Cummins w/LIVE Trumpet (FFC / Wingnuts)
Dave E Jay
with Nicole Hernandez (Happy Life) performing LIVE Tibetan music bowls throughout the night to help cleanse the energy!
Stunning visuals by Spyn Loudr