Monday, December 31, 2012
8:00PM – 4:00AM
Concourse Exhibition Center
635 8th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
18+ to enter, 21+ to drink
Anon Events & Sunset SF present SEA OF DREAMS with Opel & The Opulent Temple Experience
This year for NYE, Opulent Temple is psyched to get in the NYE mix big with our homies at Opel, as we hold down one of the many awesome zones at the city’s biggest NYE celebration – Sea of Dreams at the Concourse.
Gogol Bordello www.gogolbordello.com
Shpongle’s Quixotic Masquerade www.shpongle.com
The Glitch Mob (exclusive dj set) www.theglitchmob.com
Trentemoller (exclusive dj set) www.anderstrentemoller.com
Diego’s Umbrella www.diegosumbrella.com
Realistic Orchestra www.jazzmafia.com
Vau de Vire Society www.vaudeviresociety.com
Quixotic www.quixoticfusion.com
Christian Martin www.dirtybirdrecords.com/christian-martin
Worthy www.dirtybirdrecords.com/worthy
Pumpkin www.pumpkinsounds.com
Plaza de Funk www.facebook.com/plazadefunk
Motion Potion www.motionpotion.com
Syd Gris www.opelproductions.com
Robert Delong www.robertdelongmusic.com
Cosmic Selector www.cosmicselector.com
Mozaic www.djmozaic.com
LittleJohn www.myspace.com/littlejohn1313
Digital Honey www.digitalhoneymusic.com
Dulce Vita www.dulcevita.dj
Dex Stakker www.dexstakker.com
Antacid www.soundcloud.com/antacid
DJ Brian Williams www.soundcloud.com/dj-brian-williams