Saturday, March 7, 2020
9:30PM – 3:30AM
Public Works SF
161 Erie St, San Francisco, CA 94103
We enter 2020 gearing up for our 18th year on the playa, and 14th major sound camp production. As you may know since 2012, we’ve been on the ‘every other year’ plan for going big, and 2020 finds us definitely ready to go big! With an extra year of planning, fundraising and plotting our wide scale joy tinged in fire light, we take our first step on the road back, but only with your help. For this first party, we’re going locals only, no special guests except you, community gathering, low cover and friendly vibes. Interested in camping with us in 2020? Come meet some peeps and hang out.
$5 before 10:30!
$10 pre-sale on this page
$18-$20 sliding scale at the door
:: Golden Ratio (Dulce Vita & Exoendo)
Opulent Temple
Opulent Temple
Projections, photo booth, visuals, and great company to set the tone.