Saturday, November 22, 2014
9:00PM – 4:00AM
The Armory SF
1800 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103
We know we’ve asked for your support again and again, but we think it’s fair to say we show you a good time doing it, and our track record is pretty damn good at delivering. So come see what we do with our toys in the Drill Court, and let’s be Opulent together.
Have some Art or Gift you’d like to share and support the cause? Want to set up a vending booth? Please contact info@opulenttemple.org Hearing about our plight, the kind supporters at the Armory are letting Opulent Temple run wild in the Drill Court of this historic building. As you know we went big-big at Burning Man this year, and despite our best efforts and awesome community support, our debt is pretty intense and it’s currently severely limiting our future options. (For a nice visual aid on what kind of how big we went – please see this video that’s a great collage of moments from OT this year put together by camp mate Kevin Bennett.)
Opulent Temple also officially formed a new 501c non-profit this year with our mission intact to bring sacred dance to world class music with the goal of positive social change, but also to funnel some of those efforts into public art and community beautification
3 Areas of Music featuring our new O Pod 3.0 (Armagan), + our new LED lit DJ booth, big visuals and art from OT and friends.
A 100% Benefit for Opulent Temple’s 501c and for our future!
Opulent Temple residents in the BIG sound zone
Syd Gris
Billy Seal
Drew Drop
DJ Brian Williams
OT residents and guests in the 2 channel silent disco
Powered by ZEROdB and Silent Storm zone
Billy Casazza
Mike Butler
Meta Tek
Tuff Break
Vitamin Devo (Laser Native / Heart Phoenix)
Influence (Strategik)
Dr Whiskers (Strategik / Brass Tax)
Big Art and Live Art with:
Facepainting by Cassandra Love
Live Painting by Derek Heinemann
The Desert Spring
Visuals by FulMelt
- Full Bars
- Seating and Lounge Areas
- Face Painting
- Live Painters
- Lazers by UV99
- Performance Art
- Participatory Gratitude Wall
- Vending
- Coat Check
- ATM’s