Tuesday, December 31, 2014
9:00PM – 4:00AM
The Armory SF
1800 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Vau de Vire, Opel Productions & Kink.com present…New Bohemia NYE…a world like no other in association with Distrikt, Opulent Temple, Dusty Rhino & more
A brand new venture in a never before used space for this kind of party.
The Crystal Method
Stages, Worlds, Corners and Playgrounds by:
Vau de Vire Society:
Performances & spectacle throughout the night
Special midnight countdown
Fou Fou Ha (facebook.com/foufou.ha)
Soundtrack by Distrikt
Dress code? Not really, but sky is the limit on your creativity! The playa meets Moulin Rouge is our costume suggestion
LOTS of volunteer opportunities, write us: volunteer@newbohemianye.co
Questions? – info@newbohemianye.com
Twitter: @newbohemianye.com
Get discount pre-sales and more info: http://www.eventbrite.com/
Opel’s Crimson Spectacle:
Dela Artist
Ernest “Hoodie” Salinas
& much more tba