Friday, July 2, 2010
12:00PM – 6:00AM
Same SOMA spot, San Francisco, CA
We’re back in the UG w a twist. Same SOMA spot, intimate vibe, phat sound, all night action if you know what we’re saying. Open party, only a $10 cover, but to prevent over crowding and preserve vibe you do need a pre-sale to get the address and get in.
**Ticket Update**
On line pre-sales have stopped. There is room for additional peeps at the party if you have friends going or know one of us to ask or have been to one of our recent ones there stop by!
Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple)
Cosmic Selector (Opulent Temple / Tek Freaks)
Dulce Vita (Opulent Temple / Dvant Garde)
Forrest Green (Strategik)
Brian Peek (Opulent Temple)
FM Marc (Hi’rentertainment / Reno)
Rachel Whiskeydevil