Saturday, September 5, 2020
2:00PM – 8:00PM
The Midway
900 Marin St, San Francisco, CA 94124
Tables & Dining
Guests are required to reserve a table for entry. Madam Zola’s Fortune, The Midway’s onsite café will be serving up delicious summer-themed bites and bottles you can order from your phone directly to your table.
Saturday 9/5 is when we should have been getting dusty and watching the Man burn! So take a break from the virtual Burning Man and come get as close to the real thing as we can get in SF. That’s a socially distanced and safe outdoor dining experience behind Midway with DJ’s from Opulent Temple. Tables are sold as tables for 4 guests, with friends in your safety pod, in marked areas where you can use the touchless ordering of food and drink.
Outdoor Dining Guidelines
- Guests are required to wear face coverings at all times unless actively eating/drinking.
- Guests must remain at their tables unless they are picking up food/drinks or using the restroom.
- Each table reservation includes a seat for 4 guests. No more than 4 guests can occupy a table or the space around a table at a time.
- Guests are not permitted to congregate in aisleways, between tables, or at food/beverage pick up.
- All Personnel are required to use Face Coverings as required by the Face Covering Order, wash hands frequently, and maintain a physical distance of at least 6-feet to the extent possible.
- Hand sanitizer is available throughout the dining area. Contactless ordering & payment are encouraged.
- The Midway is in compliance with all SF DPH Health orders as they pertain to outdoor dining. Additional information is available upon request.
- Designated areas/lines with markings are on the ground to indicate both directions and six-foot distancing.
Brian Peek
Brian Williams
DJ Icon
Just B
Syd Gris
Brian Williams
DJ Icon
Just B
Syd Gris