Friday August 4, 2006
10:00PM – 4:00AM
1525 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Opulent Temple has teamed up with The Deep End for one last bash before the playa.
Opulent Temple has teamed up with The Deep End for one last bash before the playa.
Sometimes you just want to party with other fun professionals*, this is a party for you. After going big for our May fundraiser at Mezzanine, which rocked, we’re going more cozy and intimate for our last camp fundraiser before the great desert pilgrimmage.
This will be a private party for only 350 people and a 100% benefit for the Opulent Temple. 2 rooms of sound and nooks and crannies of fun only to be had at the Porn Palace. 2 bars with cheap drinks. There will be no flyer, and e-promotion will take place inside the communities only. Entry w/ pre-sale only guaranteed until midnight. Professional party attire is a given. (Obviously we’re not talking business suits here people! We’re talking funky, playa, furry, sexy, colorful, different, fun!)
Tickets are $25, and will include your choice of one of the following gifts from us upon arrival.
**Opulent Temple T shirt, available in men and women’s styles
**3 CD set of Hybrid live from the OT in 2004
**3 CD set of D:Fuse live from the OT in 2004
**2 CD set of The Scumfrog live from the OT in 2004
**2 CD set of Lee Coombs live from the OT in 2005
**2 CD set of The Scumfrog live from the OT in 2005
**2 CD set of Syd Gris live from the OT, one from ’04, one from ’05
**1 CD set of Jeffrey Allen live from the OT in 2005
**2 CD set of Syd Gris live from Mighty-3-31 prog set and 4-21 breaks set
**2 CD set of Vinkalmann CD mixes
**Others may be available the night of the party.
ON LINE PRE-SALES ARE SOLD OUT. Plenty of tix available at the door, especially if you arrive by midnight. -OR- pick one up at BPM Records before 8pm. 678 Fillmore @ Hayes.
Other cool shit to be announced…
When we say ‘professionals’, we’re just being cheeky! We don’t mean business profressionals, sex professionals, or anything else – we mean party professionals, fun pros, quality party people. If you have to ask if that’s you, well…
DJ’s include OT pros…
Syd Gris
Jeffrey Allen
Nathan Vain
Daniel Cain
Dulce Vita
The ‘drummin Texan’ doing a special appearance closing set
Tamo and Jayo offering their support
OT ’04 CD liquidation and give aways
Hop, light, poi, and aerial performance throughout the night
Please bring your toys!!
At the large playground with the fat sound system that is Mezzanine
$10-$15 sliding donation if in playa gear / costume / fearless
$15 street clothes
Aaron Pope
Fred Funk
100% of proceeds benefits the OT taking it to the next level at BM 2K6. We’re starting early, cause we’re not fucking around.
Space age, sci fi, or just wookie furry playa freak wear requested! Nano-nano.
$10 pre-sale available right here
$15 door spaced out and/or playafied
$20 if still on Earth
Burning Man 2006 starts now.
Whether you rocked to Lorin on Wednesday night, got some Scumfrog on Thursday, joined thousands to see Oakenfold on Friday night, had peak experience with Tiesto and Lee Coombs on Saturday night, chilled in the dome, marvelled at the flames warming your face as they shot out of the DJ booth, or just stopped by a for a sunrise dance, we hope if you went to Burning Man 2005 you enjoyed the beauty that was the Opulent Temple this year!
We worked hard to provide a beautiful camp with something for everyone. Despite our best efforts, we ended in the red, and would love your support one more time to close the books on 2005. This is our night to reunite in Sacred Dance, to breathe in the dust and the memories and make new ones in honor and celebration for what was (and what will be?) Come get some Sacred Dust!
Sound by El Circo; BM best of slide show; performance; art highlights + more. To ensure the safety of the party, absolutely no hanging out in front of the venue. Please use paid parking lot directly across the street and do not park up the hill on Connecticut. There have been multiple car break ins, etc. up there.
We’ll be liquidating our CD’s from 2004 to make room for 2005, so bring some extra cash to get some aweosme music at heavily discounted prices including music from Hybrid, Scumfrog, D:Fuse and more. The first 100 people to arrive will receive a free raffle ticket for music, T-Shirts, and other prizes. After that anyone that pays at least $15 to get in will as well!
Rock on, and thanks!
Only $10-$20 sliding donation
Including Opulent DJ’s:
* Syd Gris
* Jeffrey Allen
* Nathan Vain
* Billy Cassaza
* Geeno
* Billy Seal
* Vinklemann
* Daniel Cain
Special guests and friends
* Laird (Get Yer Freak On)
* El Papachango (El Circo)
* Goldilox (Brass Tax /
* ViaJay (Friends and Family)
* Trav (Seismic)
+ more tba…
You’ve heated the street at Decompression, now let’s take into the night just a block away at Sublounge, for our annual after party. 2 rooms of house, breaks, and progressive with the OT, HOL and represented playa tribes. One Block from Decompression taking it into the night!
2 floors of music!
$5-$10 sliding donaiton.
All proceeds benefit the camps debt! A post playa fundraiser for both camps and always one of our favorite parties of the year!
Shissla (HOL)
JZ (Red Melon)
Deep Eddy (HOL)
Rhythmystic (HOL)
Nathan Vain (OT)
Geeno (OT)
Vinkleman (OT)
Jax (OT)
Ben Maybe (Sublounge)
In troubled times we come together as a community in dance, music, and celebration to stir the soul, move the feet, clear the mind and open the heart. Dance can key into the pulse of the Divine, and hanging out in that pulse is the essence of fully living. Touching the face we had before we were born, so that consciousness infused with Spirit inspires action in the world. …And to turn the tide, we must act….
A Burning Man camp is an honor to provide to the Black Rock Community. To get here, we have been blessed with the support of many of you. Thank you. For those going out to Burning Man, we think you’ll see it was an investment worth putting forward. For us, this is not about partying, this is not about big name DJ’s, it is not about being the best or the brightest… It’s about reaching people, and reaching into people, for love, for community, for Spirit.
What else is there?
If you like what you see, please consider making a donation to the Opulent Temple. Despite our best efforts we have ended the year in the red to provide everyone the most amazing experience possible. We could still use your generous support!
There is a last minute mini-fundraiser being planned for August 20th @ the IK space, with DJ’s from the Opulent Temple and Infinite Kaos.
Heya Friends
This Saturday the Opulent Temple is throwing down one more amazing event before the playa! This will be a great opportunity to pick up some last minute playa gear, clothes, hoops, toys and what not…while getting your dance on, hanging out with amazing folks AND supporting the incredible WALL OF STRING ART! We will be hosting the art of Andres Amador, with a vision of epic proportions. Come check out a sample of this beautiful piece that will be on the playa!
7pm-10pm: Reception / Viewing / Demonstration, chit chat. There will be vending available by playa fashion designers for last minute costume purchases and accentuations, as well as jewelry, photography, lights and goodies.
Kick up the beats, and the dance!
$5-$10 dollar donation.
Syd Gris
Nathan Vain
Lil Bear
Eric Sharp
Hoop performances
Belly dancing
Spinsters throughout the night
Nice chill room set up
Partner stretching with Jamie Luv and Andres….and what ever yummyness you bring to the mix!
A toga party meets Burning Man camp fundraiser. The last step into the Psyche. The wine will flow in abundance (and cheap) to get you in the spirit, with a carnival atmosphere of performance, dance, ceremony, decadence, and quality freaks. A true gathering of the musical collective conscious, with 2 rooms of music + chill space. To ensure we don’t have sound restrictions or a bust factor- this party has moved to the Terra Gallery. Please tell a friend!
Moving from playa dreams to reality only happens with the support of the community. The Opulent Temple of Venus has a great project this year with something for everyone in Black Rock City. Thanks for your support!
M3 (Green Gorilla)
Laird (Get Yer Freak On)
Goldilox ( / Brass Tax)
Rawkshow – LIVE PA (
El Papachendo (El Circo)
Dragn’fly (Love Tribe)
Syd Gris (Opulent Temple)
Janaka Selekta (Dhamaal)
Hoj (Opel /
Melyss (Opel / Sister SF)
Jeff Richmond (Aranji)
Jason Knight (Ekko)
Tamo (Angels of Bass (Sol System)
Tim (Trance in Motion)
What does go on in that delightfully off base, non-conformist, shiny color sporting, mind adventuring, dance your ass shakin psyche of yours? What delightful elements of consciousness make you the benign freak that you are? Let’s go in together, on a Magic Bus inside the psyche of a Freak to find out.
This Saturday, June 11th, the Opulent Temple swings open the gates of the inner world, in dance, in fun, in full bad ass fist shaking, floor pounding big beats.
Explorations of sound will be greet you from our special guest from New York, and OT camp member from last year, the larger than life character that is
The Scumfrog ( His sets blur the lines of big party house, ballsy tribal, and funky progressive, all augmented by his own live percussion and sometimes vocals, for a truly interactive and unique sound experience that is universally known for rocking dance floors the world over.
+ an innner visual journey by On the Fly Films and special decor by the Opulent Temple goddesses.
Pre-sales only $10 ! Available HERE! -OR- @ BPM Records, corner of Hayes and Fillmore!!! -OR- $15 before midnight in playa digs.
The Opulent Temple is a Burning Man camp in it’s 3rd year on the playa bringing sacred dance to world class music and opulent chilling. We want to go big this year from you at BM, but this can only happen with your continued generous support. For that, we are blessed, and you have made an investment in your future fun!
Yes yes. : )
The Scumfrog (
Jonathan Ojeda
Jeffrey Allen
Billy Cassaza (formerly Farmboy)
Jonathan Ojeda
Kevin Knapp
Adam Ohana (Get Freaky)
Smoove (Space Cowboys)
Neptune (Beat Church / El Circo)
Ben Chun (False Profit)
Dov (Muti Music)
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